JSPM's Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research, Wagholi, Pune

Gate No. 720/2, Nagar Road, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra 412207
Approved By AICTE, New Delhi, Govt.Of Maharashtra & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University
Institute is Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council(NAAC), Bengaluru with A+ Grade

and Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology(IT) are accredited by National Board of Accreditation(NBA), New Delhi


Jayawant Library

BSIOTR Library of JSPM’s Engineering College was established in 2006. It serves as a resource center for teaching staff, students and research scholars by providing knowledge through both print and digital form. Our centralized air-conditioned library has a reading hall, reference section for discussion, digital library & stack section with rich collection. Library intends to incorporate the latest technology & adopt user friendly towards students and faculty. Library is well equipped with a large collection of textbooks, reference books, and technical journals, E-resources & educational DVDs and CDs. The library has AutoLib Software which consists of Acquisition, Cataloging, Circulation, Serials control and OPAC. Barcode based circulation of books is practiced. The library follows DDC classification system for books arrangement.

Jayawant Library

Library Services

1. Lending Service
2. Current Awareness Service (CAS)
3. Newspaper Clipping Service
4. Reference Service
5. Inter Library Loan Service

Library Facilities

1. Reading Hall with Proper Ventilation
2. Book Bank Scheme
3. NVDA Software for Visually Impaired Persons
4. Reference Room for Serious Reading
5. Digital Library
6. Internet Facility
7. Printing, Scanning Facility
8. Reprographic Facility
9. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

Library Timing

Library Timing: - Monday to Saturday 8.30 A.M. to 4.30P.M.
Reading Hall Timing:- Monday to Saturday 08.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M  

Digital libraries are a set of electronic resources and associated technical capabilities for creating, searching, and using information . A digital library is a collection of documents in organized electronic form, available on the Internet or on CD-ROM (compact-disk read-only memory) disks. Depending on the specific library, a user may be able to access magazine articles, books, papers, images, sound files, and videos. Library users increasingly expect everything to be immediately available on the web, free of charge at each point of service and coupled with the assurance of permanent access. Digital library is a very complex and dynamic entity. it has brought phenomenal change in the information collection, preservation and dissemination scene of the world. A digital library encompasses two possibilities: a) library that contains material in digitized form, and b) library that contains digital material. There is a subtle difference between the two (though not of great significance). In first case, the digital content is produced by digitizing physical counterparts (e.g. paper). In the second case, the initial content itself is created in digital form.” A digital library is the collection of services and the collection of information objects that support users in dealing with information objects and the organization and presentation of those objects available directly or indirectly via electronic/digital means.”  

Springer: www.springerlink.com
Mcgraw-Hill: http://2.accessengineeringlibrary.com
Elsevier (Science Direct): http://www.sciencedirect.com
j-Gate: http://jgateplus.com
E-Book: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/bsiotr
Sr. No Particulars Available
1 National Digital Library Link
2 Project Gutenburg Link
3 PDF Books Link
4 Directory of Open Access Books Link
5 Springer Publication Books Link
6 InTechOpen Link
7 e-Shodh Sindhu Link
8 SWAYAM Online Courses Link
9 National Knowledge Network Link
10 NPTEL Link
11 UG/PG MOOCs Link
12 e-PG Pathshala Link

  • Students should not enter the library without I-card.
  •  Please keep silence in the Library.
  • Use of mobile phones in the Library is strictly prohibited. If someone is found talking on the phone, strict action will be taken against that person.
  • Smoking and Eating is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  • Students are supposed to keep their bags, personal reading material and other belongings outside the library.
  • Students are allowed to issue 5 books for the period of seven days from the library by producing I-card / library card at the issue counter.
  • Reference Books, Old-Question papers, Syllabus, Project Reports, CD/DVDs, Magazine & Periodicals, Newspaper Clipping Files are issued for Library Reading only.
  • No library material can be issued by any person on other person’s I-Card.
  • A book issued can be renewed on or before the due date. The same Book can be renewed if there is no claim on it by another user.
  • Delay in returning the book is liable to dues/fines.
  • Students should ensure the condition of the book before issuing it and inform the librarian about the missing or torn pages if any.
  • If a Book is Lost, the concerned person has to replace the lost book with a new one or double the amount of the lost book.
  • Library rules are subject to amendment, Library Committee reserves the rights in this regard.

Library Resources

Some important links to OPEN ACCESS databases The listed databases are absolutely free and cater to academic and research needs of the patrons:
Sr. No Useful Websites
1. http://www.interweave-ema2.eu/
2. http://www.expertsasia.eu/index.asp
3. http://www.em-intact.eu/index.asp
4. http://fusion-edu.eu/FUSION/
5. http://emmasia.udn.vn/article/2-mobility-programme.html
6. http://www.swap-transfer.eu.calls.html
7. http://www.indianamaste.eu/
8. http://www.usc.es/euphrates/index.htm
9. http://brave.aua.gr/index.php?lang=en
10. http://eminte.eu/home
11. http://erasmus.iescp.net/
12. http://www.india4eu.e/

Sr. No Name of the Staff Designation and Department Committee Designation
1 Dr. T. K. Nagaraj Principal Chairman
2 Prof. Vidya V. Ade Librarian Member Secretary
3 Dr. Nilam N. Ghuge HOD (Electrical) Member
4 Dr. Gayatri M. Bhandari HOD (Computer) Member
5 Dr. Yogesh S. Angal HOD (E&TC) Member
6 Dr. Prafulla Sharma HOD (FE Coordinator) Member
7 Prof. Ankita H. Tidake HOD (IT) Member
8 Dr. Pravin. Kachare HOD (Mechanical) Member