Mr. S. S. Patil |
Volume 8, Issue 4 PP: 1 –6 |
International |
2019 |
Android App Development for KokanRaja |
Mr. S. S. Patil |
Volume 6, Issue 12 PP: 775-778 |
International |
2019 |
Brain Tumor Detection And Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network |
Mr. S. S. Patil |
December 2022 Volume 12 Issue 12 PP: 143-149 |
International |
2022 |
Implementation of Blood Donation Application using Android Smartphone |
Mr. S. S. Patil |
Vol. 3 Issue 4 October 2017 PP 876-879 |
International |
2017 |
Web Based IDE |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology (Ijert) |
International |
2013 |
A Review on: Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis based on Natural Language Processing |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 109 – No. 4, |
International |
2015 |
Context Aware Venue Suggestions System For Cloud Based Architecture |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
Vol-2 Issue-3 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 |
International |
2016 |
Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
IMe-J : International Multidisciplinary e –Journal. (Page No. 94 - 101) |
International |
2016 |
A Novel Approach Of Knn Classifier Over Semantically Secure Encrypted Data |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
Vol-3 Issue-1 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 |
International |
2017 |
Survey On Advanced Iot Based Agriculture System Consisting Smart Water Supply & Crop Prediction In Cost Efficient Way |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC) (An International Peer Reviewed Journal),, ISSN 0973-2861 Volume XII, Issue I, January 2019 |
International |
2019 |
An Artificial Intelligence System for Classification of COVID-19 Suspicious Person using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020 |
International |
2020 |
Survey Towards Smart Trolley Using Qr Code |
Mr. N. M. Shivale |
Journal of Information and Computational Science Volume 13 Issue 1 – 2023 ISSN: 1548-7741 |
International |
2023 |
Ms. Sonal Jirapure |
Digital India is the creation of technical society whose unbeaten operation can make the entire country industrial. |
International IJRCIT |
2016 |
Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Sparse Representation |
Ms. Sonal Jirapure |
It still remains a challenge to generate convincing and natural age progressed face images. |
International IJIRCCE |
2017 |
Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Sparse Representation Result |
Ms. Sonal Jirapure |
This is the result of the face aging effect simulation using sparse representation |
International IJIRSET |
2017 |
An Analytical Study of Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition |
Ms. Sonal Jirapure |
This paper is an analytical study of handwritten Devanagari character recognition. |
International IJARCSSE |
2015 |
Detection of Skin Cancer using DeepLearning and Image Processing Technique |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2022 |
Stress Detection using Vocal Expression & Text Mining to Understand Mental Condition |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2022 |
Real Time Object Detection and Recognition using MobileNet-SSD with OpenCV |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2022 |
Skin Disease Prediction Using Image Processing |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2021 |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2021 |
Supply Chain Management for Coffee Using Blockchain |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2021 |
Coffee Supply Chain Using Blockchain |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2021 |
Detecting Depression from Social Media Data Using Machine Learning Techniques |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2021 |
Detecting Depression from Tweeter Data Using Bayes Algorithm |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2021 |
Study of Various Machine Learning Methods for Opinion Mining and Sentiment Classification |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2018 |
Study of Multimodal Biometric System: A Score Level Fusion Approach |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2017 |
Enhanced Fuzzy Feature Match Algorithm for Mehndi Fingerprints |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2015 |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2014 |
Effective Product Ranking Method based on Opinion Mining |
Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni |
International |
2014 |
IOT based Heart Disease Prediction |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 12 Issue 12 ISSN: 1548-7741 PP- 384-388 |
International |
2022 |
E-Voting System using Blockchain Technology and Fingerprint Authentication |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 3 Issue 1 2581-9429 PP= 219-222 |
International |
2023 |
My dietitian-Monitoring of Dietary Habits by Maintaining Calories Count through Image Processing |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
My dietitian-Monitoring of Dietary Habits by Maintaining Calories Count through Image Processing |
International |
2021 |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 4 Issue 10, ISSN 2456-3293 PP= 9-11 |
International |
2019 |
Smart Ration Card System using RFID and Biometrics |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 6 Issue I, ISSN: 2321-9653 PP= 2511-2514 |
International |
2018 |
Automatic Toll Collection and Theft Vehicle Detection |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 2 Issue 8 ISSN 2395-1621 PP= 2976-2979 |
International |
2017 |
Efficient and Smart Car-Parking System Using Internet-of- Things |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Vol. 5, Issue 6 PP= 1111-1117 |
International |
2017 |
Authorized Auditing of Big Data on Cloud Storage |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Vol. 5, Issue 5 ISSN 2320-9798 PP= 9400-9407 |
International |
2017 |
Servery on Automatic Toll Collection and Theft Vehicle Detection |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Vol.4 Issue 11 ISSN 2320-9798 PP= 19575-19579 |
International |
2016 |
Upgraded Kernel Based Process Validation for High Level System Assurance |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 2 Issue 4 ISSN :2395-1990 PP-920-925 |
International |
2015 |
Enhanced Kernel Based Process Validation for High Level System Assurance |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Vol.3 Issue 10 ISSN 2320-9798 PP-9823-9827 |
International |
2015 |
Result Evaluation of Twice Precaution during Transmission of hidden data using RC4 algorithm |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 4 Issue 4 ISSN:2278-1323 PP-1200-1204 |
International |
2015 |
Twice Precaution during Transmission of hidden data |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 4 Issue 3 ISSN: 2319-7242 PP-10868-10872 |
International |
2015 |
Graph Based Approach For Multi Document Summarization |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 4 Issue 4 ISSN:2319-7242 PP -11134-11138 |
International |
2015 |
Result Evaluation of Graph Based Multi Document Summarization |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
Volume 4 Issue 3 ISSN 2319-7064 PP-1944-1948 |
International |
2015 |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications |
International |
2017 |
A modified Technique for Modern Multi Document Summarization |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
International Journal for Science, Research and Development (IJSRD) |
International |
2014 |
Graph Based Approach For Multi Document Summarization |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
International Journal of Engineering and computer Science and (IJECS) |
International |
2015 |
Result Evaluation of Graph Based Multi Document Summarization |
Mr. V. D. Sonawane |
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) |
International |
2015 |
American Journal of Mathematics and Computer Modeling (AJMCM), |
Prof. Dr. Khan Arshiya |
Solution of FPDE in Fluids Mechanics by ADM, VIM, and NIM |
International |
2017 |
International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE), |
Prof. Dr. Khan Arshiya |
Simulation of Wing-shaped Passive Micromixers using COMSOL |
International |
2017 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in science, Engineering and Technology (IJARSET), |
Prof. Dr. Khan Arshiya |
Simulation of Box-shaped Micromixer with the Variations in Size |
International |
2018 |
International Journal of Advanced in Research in Science, Engineering and technology |
Prof. Dr. Khan Arshiya |
Implantable Bio-MEMS for the trearment of Cancer |
International |
2018 |
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) |
Prof. Dr. Khan Arshiya |
Comparative study of the Wing-shaped micromixer for the variation of depth function |
International |
2018 |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) |
Prof. Dr. Khan Arshiya |
Exploring recent challenges in Cyber Security and their Solutions |
International |
2021 |