JSPM's Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research, Wagholi, Pune

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Department Of Computer Engineering - Publication

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Department Of Computer Engineering - Publication

Journal Title Author Description Type | Year
Elsevier Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Genetic Network Programming and Fuzzy Rule Based Intrusion International | 2014
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XII, Issue XII Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Maintaining Confidentiality of User Information and truthfulness of User reviews Using ML International | 2019
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS) Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Audio Segmentation for Speech recognition using feature extraction International | 2014
Android App Development for KokanRaja Mr. S. S. Patil Volume 6, Issue 12 PP: 775-778 International | 2019
Brain Tumor Detection And Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network Mr. S. S. Patil December 2022 Volume 12 Issue 12 PP: 143-149 International | 2022
Implementation of Blood Donation Application using Android Smartphone Mr. S. S. Patil Vol. 3 Issue 4 October 2017 PP 876-879 International | 2017
Web Based IDE Mr. N. M. Shivale International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology (Ijert) International | 2013
A Review on: Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis based on Natural Language Processing Mr. N. M. Shivale International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 109 – No. 4, International | 2015
Context Aware Venue Suggestions System For Cloud Based Architecture Mr. N. M. Shivale Vol-2 Issue-3 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 International | 2016
Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques Mr. N. M. Shivale IMe-J : International Multidisciplinary e –Journal. (Page No. 94 - 101) International | 2016
A Novel Approach Of Knn Classifier Over Semantically Secure Encrypted Data Mr. N. M. Shivale Vol-3 Issue-1 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 International | 2017
Survey On Advanced Iot Based Agriculture System Consisting Smart Water Supply & Crop Prediction In Cost Efficient Way Mr. N. M. Shivale Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC) (An International Peer Reviewed Journal), www.ijaconline.com, ISSN 0973-2861 Volume XII, Issue I, January 2019 International | 2019
An Artificial Intelligence System for Classification of COVID-19 Suspicious Person using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier Mr. N. M. Shivale International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020 International | 2020
Survey Towards Smart Trolley Using Qr Code Mr. N. M. Shivale Journal of Information and Computational Science Volume 13 Issue 1 – 2023 ISSN: 1548-7741 International | 2023
CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR DIGITAL INDIA Ms. Sonal Jirapure Digital India is the creation of technical society whose unbeaten operation can make the entire country industrial. International IJRCIT | 2016
Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Sparse Representation Ms. Sonal Jirapure It still remains a challenge to generate convincing and natural age progressed face images. International IJIRCCE | 2017
Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Sparse Representation Result Ms. Sonal Jirapure This is the result of the face aging effect simulation using sparse representation International IJIRSET | 2017
An Analytical Study of Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition Ms. Sonal Jirapure This paper is an analytical study of handwritten Devanagari character recognition. International IJARCSSE | 2015
A review on plant leaf diseases detection and classification based on machine learning models Ms. Swati Sucharita Barik For farmers, India is very famous in agriculture. The economic growths for all nations are dependent on agricultural products. Due to plant diseases, the quantity and quality of agriculture yield are reduced. The study of plant disease refers to the study of clearly visible patterns of plant leaves. So, recognition of the unhealthy regions of plants may be thought about the way of saving the decrease of productivity and crops. The early-stage diagnosis of plant diseases like viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. is most essential to control and cure the disease. International | 2021
Electricity Consumption & Prediction using Machine Learning Models Ms. Swati Sucharita Barik The paper has the objectivity to analyze Machine Learning algorithms effectiveness, after being applied to the electricity consumption prediction. International | 2021
Transfer Learning and Deep Learning for Biometric Recognition Ms. Swati Sucharita Barik Transfer Learning and Deep Learning for Biometric Recognition International | 2021
International journal of Innovative research in computer and communication Engineering(IJIRCCA Ms. Sayli Suryavanshi ID-Based Multi server password authenticated key Exchange International | 2016
An Improved Image Fusion Technique based On Texture Feature Optimization Using Wavelet Transform and Particle of Swarm Optimization Ms. Snehal Borude Optimization Using Wavelet Transform and Particle of Swarm Optimization International | 2015
Improved Image Fusion Technique based On Texture Feature Optimization Using Wavelet Transform and Particle of Swarm Optimization Ms. Snehal Borude Image Fusion Based on feature optimization Volume 101-No.6, September IJCA | 2014
Recommendation System Using Cosine Similarity and KNN Ms. Juhi Agrawal Through this recommendationsystem using usinf cosine similarity and KNN one can get recommendation of different genres, ages,interestone can recommendation about movies. International | NA
Content Based and Context Based Analysis of Recommendations Ms. Juhi Agrawal Through this system using content and Context based one can get recommendation of different genres. International | NA
Mask Detection and Social distancing Ms. Juhi Agrawal Through this Mask detection Model ,system can detect whether the person is wearing mask or not and also they r maintaining social distance or not, if they will not maintain social distancing the alert siren or alarm will beep International | 2022
Driver Drowsiness alert ,Alcohol detection for Vehicle Acceleration using machine Learning Ms. Juhi Agrawal With the help of Machine Learning model and using IOT device one can easily detect drowsiness of the driver, whether the person is drunken or not. International | 2022
An Improved Image Fusion Technique based On Texture Feature Optimization Using Wavelet Transform and Particle of Swarm Optimization Ms. Pooja Mohbansi Optimization Using Wavelet Transform and Particle of Swarm Optimization International | 2015
Detection of Skin Cancer using DeepLearning and Image Processing Technique Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJRES International | 2022
Stress Detection using Vocal Expression & Text Mining to Understand Mental Condition Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJIRCCE International | 2022
Real Time Object Detection and Recognition using MobileNet-SSD with OpenCV Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJERT International | 2022
Skin Disease Prediction Using Image Processing Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJIRCCE International | 2021
Supply Chain Management for Coffee Using Blockchain Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJIRCCE International | 2021
Coffee Supply Chain Using Blockchain Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJCSMC International | 2021
Detecting Depression from Social Media Data Using Machine Learning Techniques Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJIRCCE International | 2021
Detecting Depression from Tweeter Data Using Bayes Algorithm Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJIRSET International | 2021
Study of Various Machine Learning Methods for Opinion Mining and Sentiment Classification Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJIACS International | 2018
Study of Multimodal Biometric System: A Score Level Fusion Approach Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJERT International | 2017
Enhanced Fuzzy Feature Match Algorithm for Mehndi Fingerprints Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJFRCSCE International | 2015
Effective Product Ranking Method based on Opinion Mining Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni IJCA International | 2014
Lung Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Mr. Y. V. Patil Volume 9, Issue 6 e-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798 PP: 7320-7323 International | 2021
Spam Email Detection Mr. Y. V. Patil Volume: 04 Issue: 05 ISSN: 2582-3930 PP: 1-7 International | 2020
Envisage of Admissions and Jobs in Engineering with respect to Statistical Location Mr. Y. V. Patil Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) PP: 702-706 International | 2019
To Stalk and Prognosticate Student Recital in Degree Program with Machine Learning Approach Mr. Y. V. Patil Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)PP: 229-232 International | 2019
To Trail and Auspicate Student Attainment in Degree Patterns with Machine Learning Mr. Y. V. Patil Volume 6, Issue 1(E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) PP: 1439 – 1442 International | 2019
Prediction Of Admission & Jobs In Engineering & Technology With Respect To Demographic Locations Mr. Y. V. Patil Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) PP: 158 – 161 International | 2018
TDDA- Traceback-based Defence against DDoS Attack Mr. Y. V. Patil September 15 Volume 3 Issue 9 ISSN: 2321-8169, PP: 5469 – 5474 International | 2015
Intrusion Detection: Energy Efficient Approach in Assorted Wireless Sensor Networks Mr. Y. V. Patil Vol. 3 Issue 1 October 2013 ISSN: 2319 – 1058 PP 268-274. International | 2013
“Implementation Paper of Packet hiding method for preventing jamming attack” Ms. Priya Sharma (IJIRSET-2017) International | 2017
“Packet hiding method for preventing jamming attack” Ms. Priya Sharma (IJSRD-2017) International | 2017
“Certificate of Indexing” Ms. Priya Sharma (SJIF 2015) International | 2015
Medical Internet of things using machine learning algorithms for lung cancer detection Ms. Kanchan Pradhan This paper empirically evaluates the several machine learning algorithms adaptable for lung cancer detection linked with IoT devices. International | 2020
Hrdel: High Ranking Deep Ensemble Learning based Lung Cancer Diagnosis Model Ms. Kanchan Pradhan These developed systems involve diverse deep and machine learning approaches along with certain image-processing techniques for forecasting the severity level of lung cancer applied to the electricity consumption prediction. International | 2023
A Deep Learning-based Approach for detection of lung cancer using Self Adaptive Sea Lion Optimization Algorithm (SA-SLnO) Ms. Kanchan Pradhan The major objective of this proposed lung cancer diagnosis model is to minimize the MSE among the actual and predicted outputs International | 2022
IOT based Heart Disease Prediction Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 12 Issue 12 ISSN: 1548-7741 PP- 384-388 International | 2022
E-Voting System using Blockchain Technology and Fingerprint Authentication Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 3 Issue 1 2581-9429 PP= 219-222 International | 2023
My dietitian-Monitoring of Dietary Habits by Maintaining Calories Count through Image Processing Mr. V. D. Sonawane My dietitian-Monitoring of Dietary Habits by Maintaining Calories Count through Image Processing International | 2021
E-GARAGE Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 4 Issue 10, ISSN 2456-3293 PP= 9-11 International | 2019
Smart Ration Card System using RFID and Biometrics Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 6 Issue I, ISSN: 2321-9653 PP= 2511-2514 International | 2018
Automatic Toll Collection and Theft Vehicle Detection Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 2 Issue 8 ISSN 2395-1621 PP= 2976-2979 International | 2017
Efficient and Smart Car-Parking System Using Internet-of- Things Mr. V. D. Sonawane Vol. 5, Issue 6 PP= 1111-1117 International | 2017
Authorized Auditing of Big Data on Cloud Storage Mr. V. D. Sonawane Vol. 5, Issue 5 ISSN 2320-9798 PP= 9400-9407 International | 2017
Servery on Automatic Toll Collection and Theft Vehicle Detection Mr. V. D. Sonawane Vol.4 Issue 11 ISSN 2320-9798 PP= 19575-19579 International | 2016
Upgraded Kernel Based Process Validation for High Level System Assurance Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 2 Issue 4 ISSN :2395-1990 PP-920-925 International | 2015
Enhanced Kernel Based Process Validation for High Level System Assurance Mr. V. D. Sonawane Vol.3 Issue 10 ISSN 2320-9798 PP-9823-9827 International | 2015
Result Evaluation of Twice Precaution during Transmission of hidden data using RC4 algorithm Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 4 Issue 4 ISSN:2278-1323 PP-1200-1204 International | 2015
Twice Precaution during Transmission of hidden data Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 4 Issue 3 ISSN: 2319-7242 PP-10868-10872 International | 2015
Graph Based Approach For Multi Document Summarization Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 4 Issue 4 ISSN:2319-7242 PP -11134-11138 International | 2015
Result Evaluation of Graph Based Multi Document Summarization Mr. V. D. Sonawane Volume 4 Issue 3 ISSN 2319-7064 PP-1944-1948 International | 2015
CORPORATE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Mr. V. D. Sonawane International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications International | 2017
A modified Technique for Modern Multi Document Summarization Mr. V. D. Sonawane International Journal for Science, Research and Development (IJSRD) International | 2014
Graph Based Approach For Multi Document Summarization Mr. V. D. Sonawane International Journal of Engineering and computer Science and (IJECS) International | 2015
Result Evaluation of Graph Based Multi Document Summarization Mr. V. D. Sonawane International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) International | 2015
a secure and dynamic multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data Dr. Tushar Phadtare IJIRCCE International | 2017
a secure and dynamic multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data Dr. Tushar Phadtare IJARIIE International | 2017
Conference Title Author Description Type | Year
Elsevier , Materials Today: Proceedings Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Elsevier International | 2021
6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Springer International | 2013
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Springer International | 2013
Improving the accuracy of CBSD effort estimation using fuzzy logic Mr. N. M. Shivale 2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) International | 2014
Employee Productivity Monitoring Tool-Analytics in Teleworking Mr. N. M. Shivale 6th Edition of International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering International | 2023
Analysis of Infectious Hepatitis Disease with High Accuracy using Machine Learning Technique Ms. Swati Sucharita Barik ICMSEA International | 2019
“Multipage Dynamic Apriori Approch for Web Log Mining” Ms. Poulami Das International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering(IJSHRE) International | 2016
Spam Email Detection Mr. Y. V. Patil NCST2K22 National | 2022
HIDS using Contigious and discontigious system call pattern Mr. Y. V. Patil ICST 2K14, Vol. II International | 2014
Lung Cancer Detection using CT images Ms. Kanchan Pradhan CSVCE International | 2022
Lung Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Algorithm Ms. Kanchan Pradhan CSVCE International | 2022
Book Title Author Publisher Year
Concurrent Engineering Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Technical Publication, JNT University 2021
Object Oriented Programming Dr. Gayatri Bhandari Technical Publication , SPPU 2020
Audio Segmentation using feature extraction used for Speech Recognition Dr. Gayatri Bhandari LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2016
Database Management System Mr. N. M. Shivale Nirali Prakashan 2019
Introduction to Programming and Programming in C Mr. N. M. Shivale Nirali Prakashan 2018
ML based precision farming using IOT Ms. Snehal Borude NA 2022
Patent Details Author/Inventor Year
System for Data Collection in wireless sensor network” , filing date: 15/02/2020 , Application No: 202021006642 Dr. Gayatri Bhandari 2019-20
Machine Learning trained Surveillance camera to stop theft before it perform” dated 24/5/2021. Application No: 202121023146 Dr. Gayatri Bhandari 2020-21
Machine Learning integrated Block chain model for Industry 4.0Smart Application” dated 21/8/2022 Application No: 20221047534 Dr. Gayatri Bhandari 2022-23
Machine Learning integrated Block chain model for Industry 4.0Smart Application Mr. S. S. Patil 21/8/2022 Application No: 20221047534
Patent published titled “Machine Learning integrated Block chain model for Industry 4.0Smart Application” dated 21/8/2022 Application No: 20221047534 Mr. N. M. Shivale 2022
ML based Precision Farming using IOT Ms. Swati Sucharita Barik 2022
ML based Precision Farming using IOT Ms. Smruti Sephalika Barik 2022
ML based precision farming using IOT Ms. Pooja Mohbansi 2022
ML based precision farming using IOT Ms. Priti Bhagwatkar 2022
Machine Learning integrated Block chain model for Industry 4.0Smart Application Mr. Y. V. Patil 21/8/2022 Application No: 20221047534
ML based precision farming using IOT Ms. Priya Sharma 2022