JSPM's Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research, Wagholi, Pune

Gate No. 720/2, Nagar Road, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra 412207
Approved By AICTE, New Delhi, Govt.Of Maharashtra & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University
Institute is Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council(NAAC), Bengaluru with A+ Grade

and Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology(IT) are accredited by National Board of Accreditation(NBA), New Delhi

Department Of Electrical Engineering - Departmental Advisory Board

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  • Department Of Electrical Engineering - Departmental Advisory Board

Departmental Advisary Board

The Department Advisory Board is constituted with the following members, this committee will be responsible for monitoring Quality aspects related to teachings learning process, training, placements etc.;

Sr. No Name of Faculty Designation Email Id Mobile No
1 Dr.N.N.Ghuge Chairman ghuge1974@gmail.com 9370005555
2 Dr.S.N.Patil R&D Representative snehapatil1771@gmail.com 9011064506
3 Dr.Vivek Kayande Management Representative vmkayande@gmail.com 9158857700
4 Prof.Manjusha Patil Program coordinator manjushapatil1919@gmail.com 8407944946
5 "Dr.N.N.Ghuge Prof.P.U.Shinde Prof.M.B.Patted Prof.G.R.Lohote Prof.S.V.Narkhede Prof.A.K.Kapase Prof.A.V.Shroff Prof.S.D.Gadekar" Module Coordinator "ghuge1974@gmail.com poojashnd73@gmail.com mbpatted1989@gmail.com ganesh.lohote911@gmail.com snarkhede30@gmail.com kapseamruta50@gmail.com arpita.shroff17@gmail.com santoshgadekarjscoe@gmail.com " "9370005555 9075795665 9916585667 9511202247 8855965339 9518720300 9977745326 9130827661"
6 Prof.K.B.Kasar Faculty Representative kbkasar1@gmail.com 9112400896
7 Mr.Vishal Narkhede Industry Representative vishal.narkhede@aviroservices.com 72760664202
8 Mr.Avadhoot Thube Alumni Representative avadhoot.at@gmail.com 7709941585
9 Mr.Ranjit Kshirsagar Student Representative kshirsagarranjit1998@gmail.com 9960676438
10 Mr.Satish Gangadhar Swami Parent Representative swamiaisha17@gmail.com 7058671094

The functions of the committee are as follows

  • 1. Drafting of Vision, Mission of department
  • 2. Drafting of PEOs, Formulation of POs/PSOs
  • 3. Defines current and future issues related to program.
  • 4. Develop/recommends new or revised PEOs/PSOs
  • 5. Recommends the proposals/requirements for effective implementation of OBE
  • 6. Define various assessment tools for measuring outcomes.
  • 7. Evaluates the attainment of PEOs, POs/PSOs and proposes necessary improvements