NAMEOFOFFLINEEVENT | “Parent Teacher’s Meet 2021” |
DATE | 14MAY2021 |
TIME | 10:30am |
HOST | EnggScience Department of JSPM’s BSIOTR,WAGHOLICAMPUS,PUNE, |
TARGETAUDIENCE | FE faculties and first year enggstudents and their Parents |
JSPMs Group of Institutes was established with a vision to satisfy the aspirations of youth forcewho want to lead nation towards prosperity through techno- economic development. So, keeping this vision in mind our GFMs conduct every year “Parent Teachers Meet” in order to provide the academic excellence by theiraspiration from Hon. Dr. T.J. Sawant, Founder Secretary, JSPM & TSSM Group of Institutes, Pune. In this meeting the academic performance of the candidates was disclosed personally to their parents w.r.t following points:
Due to tough treble COVID 19 Pandemic from last two years, both students and teachers facing too many challenges in offline learning teaching process .In spite of these hurdles, arranging such meeting to disclose the academic performanceHon.Mr.RushirajSawant,Director,JSPM&TSSMGroupofInstitutes and Dr. S.V. Admane, Campus director JSPMWagholiCampushas appreciate effortsuccessfulconduction of this event. Dr. T.K. Nagaraj, Principal BSIOTR, havesupported usfor this event. FE HOD and all Subject In charges were present in meet.